Sometimes I need to write in russian using vim. The problem that arise is that normal mode in vim does not work with cyrillic, so I need to switch back and forth between US and RU layouts.
I don’t like switching layouts back and forth all the time. So eventually I found some kind of solution to this:
:help langmap
When in Normal mode the ‘langmap’ option takes care of translating a character in different
layout to the original meaning of the key. So I added the following line into my .vimrc
set langmap=йЙцЦуУкКеЕнНгГшШщЩзЗхХъЪфФыЫвВаАпПрРоОлЛдДжЖэЭяЯчЧсСмМиИтТьЬбБюЮ.\\,;qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP[{]}aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'\"zZxXcCvVbBnNmM\\,<.>/?
Yes, you need to map both small and capital letters. Now I don’t have to switch from RU to US in Normal mode for the shortcuts to work..
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